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Arthroscopic Fracture Fixation

Arthroscopic fracture fixation

Arthroscopic fracture fixation is a successful surgical method used to treat a fracture of shoulder bones in a minimal invasive process with the aid of metal instrumentation. The main advantage of this method of treatment is that it enables the direct imaging of the fracture in an external monitor. The option for fixation of the fracture along with repair of the damaged tissues and cartilage can be performed simultaneously during the arthroscopic fracture fixation procedure.
Shoulder arthroscopic fracture fixation procedure uses the guidance of a small camera attached to an arthroscope that enables the surgeon to view and repair the damaged tissues and cartilage around the shoulder joint in a minimal invasive technique. The arthroscope is inserted through a small incision made in the location for investigation, and later more incisions are made to insert the surgical tools to rectify the damage caused in the shoulder joint.
Arthroscopic fracture fixation uses a set of metal screws, pins and suture anchors to fix the fracture in the shoulder bone. There are 3 major bones in the shoulder named as the collar bone, shoulder blade and arm bone. These bones are held together with the help of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints to create movement. A direct fall, accidents or any kind of sports injury can cause a fracture in the shoulder bones losing the alignment and restricting the movement of the arms.

Arthroscopic fracture fixation surgery procedure

Before the surgery, the surgeon takes the assistance of an anesthetic to give a general or regional anesthetic. In general anesthetic, the patient’s falls asleep while in regional anesthetic the arm and shoulder area are numbed. The surgeon makes a small incision in the shoulder area and inserts an arthroscope through the incision to view the shoulder joints. The arthroscope is connected to a monitor that enables the surgeon to locate the exact dislocation or fracture in the shoulder bone and examine the bones, cartilage and ligaments in the area.
Glenoid fractures (intrarticular) , greater tuberosity fractures, lateral end clavicle fractures are the ones that can be managed arthroscopically ,  Once the fracture is located, the surgeon makes 2 or more small incisions to insert other surgical instruments for fixation of the fracture.
After the fracture fixation, the incisions are closed and stitched.

Advantages of Arthroscopic fracture fixation

The main advantage of this procedure is that it enables the patients to have a shorter hospital stay, faster recovery and retaining of shoulder and arm movements and reduces the chances for improper healing. It also reduces the risk of healing in improper positions as the fracture repair is aided by metal instrumentation inserted during the surgery.

Authored by Dr Banarji B.H - Shoulder Surgeon, Bangalore

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Baby Das

Last one year I was suffering from acute shoulder pain on my left shoulder. I went to several doctors, but not diagnosed.

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